My name is Christopher DeBoy, and I'm an aspiring game developer and graphic designer/artist. I'm most familiar with the Godot Game Engine and its GDScript scripting language, having worked with it for over 8 years and developed quite a few comprehensive systems in it. If you're interested in hiring me, feel free to reach out
Here's a list of languages I'm most familiar with:
- GDScript
- C/C++
- Nim
- Python
- HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript
Here are some links to my profiles:
Portfolio Sections:
Godot FPS Controller
This is a first person shooter controller I made in the Godot engine. I got pretty far along and it includes the following features:
- Walking, stair-stepping, crouching, leaning, sprinting, sneaking, jumping, Source Engine-style ladder climbing, and swimming
- Head-bobbing dependent upon speed and ambulation type
- Procedural weapon sway, bobbing, and inertia
- Weapons have procedural vertical and horizontal muzzle climb, recoil, accuracy, and precision settings.
- Bullet spread can be affected by how long you fire. If the barrel overheats, that could permanently affect accuracy and precision.
- Bullets are projectiles that travel through space over time and are affected by gravity. Their trajectory is determined when they're fired.
- Bullets leave material-dependent decals on impact -- wood splinters, metal dents, glass cracks, dirt craters, etc...
- Buttons, dials, doors, and gates are available as interactable elements and can have their inputs and outputs chained together like in the Source Engine.
Mech Controller Demo
This is a mech controller demo I created in the Godot game engine. It is a minimal proof-of-concept and includes the following features:
- Tank reticle to show leg orientation relative to turret orientation
- Aiming is driven by mouse direction, rather than mapped directly to mouse movement.
- movement is relative to leg orientation. Legs are rotated by key inputs.
- Thrusters/jet pack
- Skybox and endless plane visualizer
6DOF Controller Demo
This is a six degrees of freedom (like in the Descent series) controller demo I created in the Godot game engine. It is a minimal proof-of-concept and includes the following features:
- Six degrees of rotation
- Angular inertia
- Movement along all 3 axes relative to orientation
- Networked player controllers
- Skybox

This is a simple challenge game I made, where you navigate a helicopter through a gauntlet of challenges, increasing in difficulty with each level. Made in Godot 2.X, it was a sequel to my prior game, RZZNNVZN, which was made in JavaScript using MelonJS.
Magical Girl FPS

This was a magical girl-themed FPS I was working on in Godot. Unfortunately, I'm unable to launch the project, so these images are all that I have of it. In this game, you could play as 3 different magical girls, each one having their own wand and movement mechanic. Movement mechanics were activated with the jump key while airborne.
- Ice Wand - fires ice crystals like a shotgun
- Earth Wand - fires a stream of flower petals like a machine gun. As the wand fires, the stream of petals spirals outward.
- Heart Wand - Was to fire an explosive, but wasn't implemented yet.
Movement types:
- Double Jump - an extra jump in midair
- Glide - descent is slowed with increased horizontal movement
- Dive - accelerate for a short burst in the direction you're moving
3D Gauntlet-like

This was a 3D Gauntlet-style game I was working on that the project seems to have been lost to time. I had a character select screen and a single level that you could play through complete with pickup items, unlockable doors, destroyable walls, items to pick up, enemies, and an exit. Unfortunately, these are the only two pictures of it I can find at the moment.
UPDATE: I have found the project files and put the models up under the public domain at!
GameBoy Color DVD Screensaver demo
This is a simple demo I made using GBDK to get familiar with the library. It features a DVD Video logo as a metasprite that bounces around the screen and changes color on collision.
GameBoy Roguelike
This is a work-in-progress roguelike I've been working on for the GameBoy in C and GBDK. It's pretty early on, but the basic skeleton of dungeon generation is implemented.

This is an RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator in Nim. It operates with a stack-based language with if/else statements, variables, and function declaration, which should, in theory, make it turing-complete.

The Nim Unstructured/Useless Text Editor. This is a line text editor I made as an exercise to learn Nim and make use of its built in types. It stores a document line by line in an AVL tree, and it makes editing the text document much like entering a program into an 80's microcomputer. To enter text, you type the number for its line, followed by a space, and then the text you wish to enter. If there's a line number collision, it replaces the old line, but if not, it's entered into the AVL tree, which then self-balances.

This is the Atlas Window Manager. AtlasWM aims to be a lightweight, but featureful, and user-friendly window manager for X11, based on Joe's Window Manager (JWM), that only uses permissively-licensed code and libraries, as it will be the default window manager for AcephalOS and eventually PrometheusOS.
Currently, I've replaced Cairo/libRSVG with PlutoSVG, and have enhanced the customizability of the motif theme to enable greater readability, and am currently working on replacing Pango/XFT with libSchrift. I intend to extend its features, with some of the main ones being tababble windows, like in Haiku or FluxBox, and a global menu panel item.
AtlasWM is currently in alpha stages, and most planned features are not yet implemented. Many things are likely subject to change, so it is not recommended for daily use.
3D Art & Animation
Some 3D models I've worked on, some of which are animated. This is an incomplete list.
Glock 17

Rigged Glock 17 3D model I was working on in Blender, texture made in Inkscape and GIMP.
The New Retro Show intro
Intro sequence I made for the YouTube channel The New Retro Show.
Metal Jesus Rocks intro
An intro sequence I made for the YouTube channel MetalJesusRocks. Unfortunately, I do not recall the video it was used in.
Arm Cannon

Samus Aran arm cannon I made for a Quake Mod I was working on. Made using forward kinematics.

A robot model I created, inspired by some outdoor security cameras I saw around my hometown. Makes uses of Forward and Inverse kinematics.
Star Raiders

Various models I made for a game I was working on with a friend called "Star Raiders"(Working title). Animated using forward kinematics.
Various Guns

Various low-poly, stylized weapon models I have created over the years.

Various retro/synthwave desktop wallpapers I've created in Blender3D.
Graphic Design
This is the typeface used throughout this document. Liver is a public-domain sans-serif font in the style of Goma/Shin-Go/Rodin/Saira, modeled with screens in mind.
Comes in regular and mono variants. Bold variant in the works.

AcephalOS logo
Logo I made for a FreeBSD-based OS I am working on.

San Bernardino Operation logo
Logo I made for the organization to work on AcephalOS.


Old ioQuake3 logo

The Gore Effect Facebook logo
In addition to the above logos, all other logos on this page were designed by myself.